General Info
Festival Hours - Each Day
Friday, June 22nd
- Festival Gates Open - 3:00 pm
- Music Starts - 3:45 pm
- Music Ends - 12:30 am
Saturday, June 23rd
- Festival Gates Open - 12:00 pm
- Music Starts - 12:30 pm
- Music Ends - 12:30 am
Sunday, June 24th
- Festival Gates Open - 12:00 pm
- Music Starts - 12:45 pm
- Music Ends - 11:30 pm
Entry can and cannot’s
Allowed Items List
- Blankets
- Regular sized or unframed backpacks
- Empty refillable, plastic or aluminum bottles & Camelbaks
- Sealed water up to 1L
- Binoculars
- Personal cameras with a detachable lens 2 inches or shorter
- Bags & Strollers are allowed but will be searched thoroughly.
- Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes
- Go Pros
- Deodorant, Sunscreen & Non-Aersol bug spray
- Hula Hoops
- Personal Umbrellas only, anything larger than an umbrella that accommodates 2 people won’t be allowed.
** All items are subject to search and the Prohibited Items List is subject to change
Prohibited Items List
- Outside food or beverage items
- Alcohol or Flasks
- Ice or Ice packs
- Coolers
- Glass Containers
- Illegal substances, drugs, or drug paraphernalia
- Totems, rage sticks or flags over 12 ft tall are permitted. Any of these items that are deemed unsafe or inappropriate, or are being used for purposes other than intended, may by confiscated on site.
- Illegal or unauthorized vending
- knives or weapons of any kind
- Animals or pets (except animals that assist people with disabilities.
- Flammable lanterns or fire of any kind
- Fireworks or any types of explosives
- Skateboards, scooters or personalize motor vehicles
- Bicycles inside the festival grounds
- Tents or canopies
- Chairs or stools of any type
- Wagons or carts of any type
- Eye drops
- Outside cans or cups
- Professional cameras (indicated by a detachable lens larger than 2 inches)
- Professional video or audio recording devices
- Lasers or pointers
- Chains, chain wallets or spike jewelry
- Instruments, megaphones, horns or noise makers
- Soliciting
- Pepper spray
- Drones or UAV’s
- Spray paint, large markers
Cashless Top Up Stations: Our cashless payment system operates in a similar manner to pre-paid cards. At Bonanza Campout, we will be using high tech, RFID-enabled wristbands that include an embedded electronic chip that will act as your key to pay for food, drinks and merchandise at the event. We recommend pre-loading your wristband prior to the festival but in the event that you can’t or run out of funds, there will be several Top Up stations throughout the festival grounds for you to quickly re-up and get back to enjoying your weekend.
Medical: The Bonanza medical team will be on-site to to address any type of medical problem you may have. The medical lodge will be located in between the main festival grounds and vendor village. If you need assistance go to the medical lodge, locate security or a festival staff member.
Security: Our primary goal is to create a safe and secure environment for everyone in attendance. To ensure this, there will be on-site security provided by our private security staff and local police. If any problems occur whatsoever, locate a festival security guard, police officer or festival staff member.
Food: Bonanza’s Vendor Village will offer a variety of food options from several local food trucks/vendors. We will have vegetarian/vegan options as well. More detailed information will be released as the festival becomes closer.
Bars: For our 21+ attendees we will have several beer options throughout the festival grounds with your favorite domestic, import and local brews. In addition, we will have multiple bars with full liquor options.
Bathrooms & Handwashing Stations: Bathrooms and hand washing stations will be placed throughout the festival site. We ask that you help us in keeping them as clean as possible for the next festival attendee.
Information / Lost & Found: Stop by for any and all information you need related to Bonanza. Here you can find festival maps & guides, drop off or find a lost item, set times, etc.
Vendors: Vendor Village will feature local retail vendors offering a wide selection of items like clothing, accessories, craft items, tech products and more. Festival and artist merchandise will also be located in the vendor village.
General Store: The General Store at Rivers Edge is conveniently located by the main festival entrance. Inside you will find the essentials in the event that you forgot something or didn’t get enough of, this will be the only location on site that accepts cash or credit card.